What a last couple of days i've had! My son wen to school in fancy dress on friday as a dinosaur, he looks really good but fell over on the adventure playground and hurt him foot. It was 3 o clock and we were already packed to go to wales and waiting to pick him up from school when we got the call to come and get him so we went straight there. He couldn't really walk on his foot on saturday but it just looked badly bruised so we didn't take him the hospital. (he could wiggle his toes so knew nothing was broken). So we went for a drive, never again, DD screamed most of the time and then DS was travel sick yuk!
sunday we came home but had to make a detour into SIL as it's was her son's birthday, we didn't stay long!
Yesterday i had to go shopping for clothes for DD birthday on wednesday, couldn't find any shoes to fit her anywhere aswell as DS limping round (his foot is much better) and DD throwing herself on the floor every other second. Also i think £12 for 2 pieces of cheese on toast and a cup of tea from marks and spencers cafe is a complete rip off! Also had to go back out to take the fancy dress costume back the shop, DD again screamed most of the journey.
So today i'm hopeful for a better day i have to go shopping for party food and the kids are already fighting, wish me luck!
Oh BTW the way, the blog is called i love candy because that is the name of the necklace pictured. With everything else i haven't had time to make anything lately, i made this a few days ago and really love the colours.